I always thought that I’m going to rock the world with my
When really comes out to see the world, I’m not even able to
stand back.
Everywhere is competition and always failing in those competition.
Not able to impress a girl, not able to clear official
assessment, not able to clear any interview, not able to answer if someone asks
me any question.
Though some other people think that I’m having some stuff, I
really don’t have that confidence.
Everything is confusing.. Too many things are coming into my
Always distracted by some unwanted thinking.
Though I’m thinking throughout the day, none of them is
useful. Everything is useless.
Strange ideas coming into my mind. I always surprised how
this time running out of my way.
Days are just days and going without any improvements or
Though I’m writing
this junk, some other bugs are running in my mind L
Need to find out a solution for this.